This will be a monthly blog that will discuss in house training of our electrical staff and how this helps them progress with outside authorisations.
Instruction Room Attendees
A total of 17 personnel passed through the instruction room in July covering topics such as the SP live working manual, metering practice and preparation for refreshers, final interviews and authorisations. In this time one operative passed his OP3 initial course while a further three passed OP3 refreshers. Five more operatives successfully passed their WI1 refresher training and three passed the M0008 five day service position courses and will now be booked in for their OP3 final interviews.
Apprentice/ Trainee Quarterly Reviews
July also saw the quarterly apprentice/ trainee reviews being carried out. There were no concerns in terms of college work or onsite training with everyone producing very good project work which has been confirmed by training officers and class lecturers alike.
Safety Stand Down
SP safety stand downs were carried out on a number of our operatives over seven dates in July. These presentations included general safety and trade competence while highlighting the link between trade and safety competence.